Master and doctoral theses

Doctoral thesis


On 23.10.2023, student Andrea Milinković successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Biological and chemical responses of sea surface layer to atmospferic deposition“ at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, under the mentorship of  Sanja Frka Milosavljević.

Master theses


Ivona Mikić (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia): Promjenjivost koncentracije crnog ugljika atmosferskih lebdećih čestica na području Nacionalnog parka Brijuni (engl. Variability of aerosol black carbon concentration in the area of Brijuni National Park) – mentor: Sanja Frka Milosavljević and Ana Cvitešić Kušan


Sara Vignjević (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia): Kemijski sastav i taložni procesi atmosferskih lebdećih čestica na području Nacionalnog parka Brijuni (engl. Chemical Composition and Deposition Processes of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in The Area Brijuni National Park) – mentor: Ana Cvitešić Kušan and Željka Zgorelec

Valentina Poplašen (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia): Kapacitet kompleksiranja bakra u atmosferskom taloženju na području Nacionalnog parka Brijuni (engl. Copper complexing capacity in atmospheric deposition in the area of Brijuni National Park) – mentor: Slađana Strmečki Kos

Martina Matanović (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia): Utjecaj površinsko aktivnih organskih tvari na elektrokemijsko određivanje kapaciteta kompleksiranja bakra u morskoj vodi (engl. Influence of surface active organic substances on electrochemical determination of copper complexing capacity in seawater) – mentor: Slađana Strmečki Kos


Iva Dešpoja (Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University of Split, Croatia): Elektrokemijsko određivanje kapaciteta kompleksiranja bakra u površinskom sloju mora obalnog srednjeg Jadrana (engl. Electrochemical determination of copper complexing capacity in the surface layer of the coastal middle Adriatic Sea) – mentor: Slađana Strmečki Kos and Zoran Grubač

Lana Flanjak (Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, Denmark): Cellular response of marine diatom Chaetocerus pseudocurvisetus to warming and nitrogen availability – mentor: Blaženka Gašparović


Javor Novosel (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development, University of Rijeka, Croatia): Ispitivanje utjecaja atmosferskog taloženja na biogeokemijske odgovore površine mora (engl. Investigation of atmospheric deposition impacts on the sea surface biochemistry) – mentor: Sanja Frka Milosavljević and Katja Džepina)