
A final BiREADI workshop and group meeting was held at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb on March 10, 2023.

Laboratory incubation experiments – to assess the impact of atmospheric aerosols from different sources of emissions on phytoplankton monocultures – July 2021

Mesocosm experiment – August 2020

BiREADI project meeting – November 2019

The aerosol sampler was installed and PM10 sampling started at a meteorological station Slavonski brod 2 (©DHMZ)

The BiREADI campaign (February – July 2019) at the Middle Adriatic accomplished

Sea surface microlayer sampler designed by Dario Omanović, PhD

The BiREADI campaign (February – July 2019) at the Middle Adriatic (Martinska)

BiREADI Journal Club

Sampling – Rijeka

Comde Derenda – Instrument Training Course

BiREADI kick-off meeting